Saturday, March 15, 2025

Vans iPhone Case

Someone call Maxwell Smart — his shoe phone has been reinvented a way he could have never seen coming.
Vans iconic waffle sole pattern is arguable the most well-known tread in the world (rivaled only by Converse’s diamond-design), and now the web is abuzz about the rumored next iteration of the famous design.
Sneaker and technology blogs are harmonious in praise of a waffle sole tread iPhone case that is rumored to be in development by Vans and will soon be added to their online store. A photo of the case, currently just a promotional item, has made its way around the web, leaving fans clamoring for more information.
“I will pay mad money for this case if anyone will sell it to me please!” said a user on Vans sneaker blog Off Get your credit card numbers ready, if Vans does release these, don’t expect them to be around for very long.

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