Saturday, March 15, 2025

Facebook Timeline Now On iPhone

A few days ago, Facebook announced the Facebook Timeline feature to replace the old profile page feature on all pages that users of social networking. Now, Timeline feature not only be enjoyed by the desktop version of Facebook users, but also for its mobile version.

Facebook confirms Timeline feature can also be enjoyed on a mobile version like, except that before this feature can also be enjoyed on the Android platform. Well, this feature has been visited for an IOS-based iPhone users.

Launched by the Neowin, Monday (12/19/2011), IOS users can enjoy this Timeline on Facebook version 4.1 can be downloaded. IN this version, users can more easily with a more friendly interface to upload and comment on photos.

Unfortunately, Facebook has not provided updates this Timeline for iPad users, so it still can be enjoyed on the tablet. However, Facebook promised, Facebook Timeline iPad version will be launched in the near future.

Timeline features appear to represent the status of postings, photos, links and so forth are made in the past. Complete also the time when the post was made.




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