Saturday, March 15, 2025

Apple will Expand with New iCloud Application

iCloud App

Although Apple has just launched a new service iCloud, the company will reportedly increase suites with new applications for the iPhone and the iPad.

Reported by Apple Insider, Thursday (12/22/2011), Apple's interest to increase even further iCloud has disclosed this week. The company is looking for someone then sign him to a position iCloud Application Developer at its headquarters in Cupertino, California.

"ICloud team is looking for a creative engineer, had a mind to build the next generation, client applications that integrate with a set of cloud-based services," such as Apple Insider reported.

The position requires someone who will develop new applications or existing on the iPhone and the iPad to iCloud service. Although there is no indication of what kind of applications on the possibility that later, but at least there is a note that employees will want to build products that are used every day by people.

Apple last October has just launched a service iCloud umbrella, which is replacing MobileMe cloud-based services.




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